Understanding how people, information and technology interact is imperative to drive and manage a thriving business in today’s disruptive environment. We enable organizations to act with insight and reduce unnecessary risk by guiding them through a combination of methodologies founded in user experience and data-driven research. Our research can be applied to any phase of the product or service development lifecycle to create value by making informed decisions, generating ideas, and validating the utility and usability of a product or service.

Research and foundational understanding (formative)

  • Develop deep empathy with people, customers and users

  • Understand core, desired and unmet needs

  • Utilize one or more of the following research methods: in-depth interviews, ethnographic studies, contextual inquiries, surveys, jobs-to-be-done

Research for new opportunities, ideas and concepts (generative)

  • Collaborate with customers and users to generate new ideas for products, services, features, functions, and user experience design

  • Discover latent needs from interviews and observational data sources

  • Utilize one or more of the following research methods: collaborative ideation, participatory design, brainstorming

Research for improvements (evaluative)

  • Get customer and user feedback on concepts or designs against criteria informed by research or through the clients, enabling problems to be discovered and fixed prior to implementation

  • Conduct product testing to discover usability problems, prioritize features, and benchmark against competitors

  • Utilize one or more of the following research methods: usability studies, usability benchmarking, card sorting, A/B testing, concept testing